"You must specify a name before saving." = "You must specify a name before saving.";
"You must specify a default group before saving." = "You must specify a default group before saving.";
"You must specify a shell before saving." = "You must specify a shell before saving.";
"Unknown shell: %s\nNot found in: %s" = "Unknown shell: %s\nNot found in: %s";
"Missing file: %s" = "Missing file: %s";
"You must specify a home directory before saving." = "You must specify a home directory before saving.";
"You must specify an ID number before saving." = "You must specify an ID number before saving.";
"ID %s is not a number." = "ID %s is not a number.";
"Group ID %s is not a number." = "Group ID %s is not a number.";
"Name is longer than recommended limit of %d characters. Really use this name?" = "Name is longer than recommended limit of %d characters. Really use this name?";
"Names can't be longer than %d characters." = "Names can't be longer than %d characters.";
"Names can't contain characters other than lower-case letters, numbers, and \"_\"." = "Names can't contain characters other than lower-case letters, numbers, and \"_\".";
"Names must start with an alphabetic character." = "Names must start with an alphabetic character.";
"There already is a group with this name." = "There already is a group with this name.";
"There already is a user with this name." = "There already is a user with this name.";
"There already is a group with this ID number." = "There already is a group with this ID number.";
"There already is a user with this ID number. Do you really want to use this value?" = "There already is a user with this ID number. Do you really want to use this value?";
"Negative ID numbers may not be supported on other UNIX systems, and may cause network interoperability problems. Do you really want to use this value?" = "Negative ID numbers may not be supported on other UNIX systems, and may cause network interoperability problems. Do you really want to use this value?";
"Negative group ID numbers may not be supported on other UNIX systems, and may cause network interoperability problems. Do you really want to use this value?" = "Negative group ID numbers may not be supported on other UNIX systems, and may cause network interoperability problems. Do you really want to use this value?";
"ID number is less than minimum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?" = "ID number is less than minimum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?";
"Group ID number is less than minimum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?" = "Group ID number is less than minimum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?";
"ID number is less than minimum possible value %d." = "ID number is less than minimum possible value %d.";
"Group ID number is less than minimum possible value %d." = "Group ID number is less than minimum possible value %d.";
"ID number is greater than than maximum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?" = "ID number is greater than than maximum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?";
"Group ID number is greater than than maximum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?" = "Group ID number is greater than than maximum recommended value %d. Do you really want to use this value?";
"ID number is greater than maximum possible value %d." = "ID number is greater than maximum possible value %d.";
"Group ID number is greater than maximum possible value %d." = "Group ID number is greater than maximum possible value %d.";
"Create User" = "Create User";
"Select the type of user:" = "Select the type of user:";
"Local" = "Local";
"Network" = "Network";
"User has no default group ID number." = "User has no default group ID number.";
"User has no password." = "User has no password.";
"User has no home directory." = "User has no home directory.";
"User has no login shell." = "User has no login shell.";
"System user template (%s) not found.\nNew user creation disabled." = "System user template (%s) not found.\nNew user creation disabled.";
"Language resources for new user accounts not found.\nNew user creation disabled." = "Language resources for new user accounts not found.\nNew user creation disabled.";
"Can't remove user from default group." = "Can't remove user from default group.";
"Default group for new users not found. Group ID = %d, Domain %s." = "Default group for new users not found. Group ID = %d, Domain %s.";
"Resources for creating new user accounts with language %s are not available on this computer." = "Resources for creating new user accounts with language %s are not available on this computer.";
"This user's language (%s) is not installed on this computer." = "This user's language (%s) is not installed on this computer.";
"The default template for new users (%s) is not available on this computer." = "The default template for new users (%s) is not available on this computer.";
"Can't read file: %s" = "Can't read file: %s";
"Can't write file: %s" = "Can't write file: %s";
"Create home directory %s for user %s?" = "Create home directory %s for user %s?";
"There are edited windows." = "There are edited windows.";
"Review Unsaved" = "Review Unsaved";
"Quit Anyway" = "Quit Anyway";
"Login is not disabled for this user." = "Login is not disabled for this user.";
"Can't delete user: %s from group: %s" = "Can't delete user: %s from group: %s";
"Directory name contains illegal characters." = "Directory name contains illegal characters.";
"Do you really want to make this network user's home directory outside of \"/Net\"?" = "Do you really want to make this network user's home directory outside of \"/Net\"?";
"No file server name in user's home directory path: %s" = "No file server name in user's home directory path: %s";
"Home directory file server (%s) unknown. Is this OK?" = "Home directory file server (%s) unknown. Is this OK?";
"No directory specified on home directory server." = "No directory specified on home directory server.";
"No home directory specified in path: %s" = "No home directory specified in path: %s";
"The path %s does not exist, create it?" = "The path %s does not exist, create it?";
"Nonexistant path" = "Nonexistant path";
"A template with this name already exists." = "A template with this name already exists.";
"Can't install language defaults." = "Can't install language defaults.";
"Are you sure you want to create a local user account with a home directory in \"/Net\" ?." = "Are you sure you want to create a local user account with a home directory in \"/Net\" ?.";
"No /groups directory in domain: %s" = "No /groups directory in domain: %s";
"No /users directory in domain: %s" = "No /users directory in domain: %s";